News and Events 2003

Friday 12 December 2003

Biochemistry Year End Party
A great catered lunch, good spirits, and excellent music made our year end party a hit.

Click here for some pictures from the party.


Belting out some rock hits from
the 50s, 60's, and 70's


Wednesday 20 August 2003

Second Annual Faculty-Student Golf Day
Perfect weather and an ideal setting in downtown Toronto made our second Golf Day a great success.

Click here for some pictures from Golf Day.


Wednesday 03 July 2003

Paul Yip receives National Volunteer Award
Paul Yip, a Ph.D. student in Biochemistry, has been chosen from among nearly 500 volunteers as the recipient of the 2003 National Volunteer Award for his outstanding achievements in the promotion of science in his community. Through the "Lets Talk Science Partnership Program" Paul has formed linkages with 5 different teachers at two schools, making visits to classrooms, designing activities that bring biotechnology to life and engaging students in their own DNA investigations. He also developed workshops in biotechnology education for both OISE students and high school science teachers.


Well done, Paul!!
Wednesday 03 July 2003

Grant Brown wins the Elsie Crann Award
Grant Brown has been selected by the Life Sciences Committee of the University to receive the 2003 Elsie Winifred Crann Memorial Trust Award in Medical Research. This Award was created to encourage young investigators to pursue research related to cancer. The Award is a $35,000 grant that will be used to support Grant's research on "DNA Replication and Damage".


Congratulations Grant!!

Wednesday 25 June 2003

Anders Bennick Wins International Research Award
Anders Bennick was presented with the "Distinguished Scientist Award" by the International Association for Dental Research at their annual meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden on June 25, 2003 for his research on salivary glands and saliva.


Congratulations to Anders
on this fine achievement

Monday 16 June 2003

Roy Baker wins Harry Whittaker Outstanding Teacher Award
Roy Baker was honoured today by the Faculty of Medicine for his teaching of first year medical students. The Harry Whittaker Award is decided upon annually by the first year medical class and is awarded to a lecturer who gave encouragement and displayed genuine concern for student well-being and, through personal commitment to quality teaching, provided practical and clear insights in the basic sciences during the first year of the undergraduate medical program.


Congratulations Roy
on an
excellent achievment!!

Tuesday 10 June 2003

25 Year Service Award
David Pulleyblank received the "25 year service award" from Chair Reinhart Reithmeier for 25 years of dedicated service to the University of Toronto.

David Pulleyblank (left)
with Chair, Reinhart Reithmeier
Tuesday 27 May 2003

"From Calnexin to ER Proteomics"
Dr. John Bergeron, Professor in the Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology, McGill University, presented the above titled seminar as the 2002 Theo Hofmann Lecturer. John also kindly served as Guest Judge at our Annual Poster Day (see photos below).

Dr. John Bergeron (right)
with Chair, Reinhart Reithmeier

Tuesday 27 May 2003

Annual Graduate Student Poster Day
An excellent selection of graduate student research work was presented. We were pleased to have our Theo Hofmann Lecturer, Dr. John Bergeron, serving as Guest Judge.
Click here for some scenes from Poster Day

Now that's scrutiny!!!

Wednesday 30 April 2003

Exams are finally over!!!
Students from our Advanced Biochemistry Lab Course, BCH471, relax after their final exam
with instructors David Isenman and Patricia Bronskill.

BCH471 Class of 2002-03

Click here for some full-sized photos (2.8Mb file!!)

Tuesday, 18 February 2003

Professor Emeritus Theo Hofmann recently celebrated his 79th birthday.
Click here to see some photos of the party.

Three cakes! Now that's a birthday!!!

Best wishes Theo, from all of us.

Friday, 17 January 2003

The Biochemistry Department recently helped University Professor Emeritus Marian Packham celebrate her 75th birthday as well as 38 years as a member of the Department.
Click here for a QuickTime slide show of the event.

Happy Birthday Marian!
Monday, 20 January 2003

Our first Annual Biochemistry Graduate Program Open House was a great success.
Thanks to all faculty, staff, and students who participated.
Click here for a QuickTime slide show of the event.

Checking out 3D graphics on a $1.5 million three meter display.

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University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

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