Scenes from the Dept. of Biochemistry
Year End Party December 12, 2003
Elves Guillaume, Eden, and Costin greet visitors and accept donations for food and toy drive.
Office Staff, Department of Biochemistry
A fabulous catered lunch was provided....
... but it didn't last long!!!
Enjoying lunch
Members of the Houry & Isenman labs - yes, they really are having a good time!
Members of the Williams lab with Patricia Bronskill (right)
Everyone young and old got into the spirit.
Lynne Howell toasts the day with Amu Sarkar
Roy Baker and Norm Camerman enjoying the party
Reinhart Reithmeier with Marian Packham who celebratedher 76th birthday the same day.
Chair Reithmeier and Associate Chair David Isenman draw for door prizes
Carolers were in good voice accompanied by Charlie Deber
Talented trio Charlie Deber, Alan Davidson, and John Glover wail out some rock oldies!
Photos by David Williams