A (very) warm sunny day and a terrific turnout of more than 200 students, postdocs, faculty,
and staff made for a very successful Research Day!
Participants were greeted bright and early by Mike Folinas and Carol Justice (just gotta have another one of those Biochemistry pens!) Vicki Ilgacs also kept track of everyone at registration.
Research Day just wouldn't happen without the hard work and expertise of our office staff
(from left: Mike Folinas, Vicki Ilgacs, Carol Justice, Carrie and Brenda Bradshaw
Jackie Segall, BUSS President Karen Hecht and David Isenman look chipper despite the early start
Relaxing over coffee before the sessions begin.
Good coffee and great pastries put everyone in the mood for science.
Harry Schachter (centre) hams it up with David Williams and David Bazett-Jones Larry Moran (left) with Jim Gurd
Tania Roberts, Ben Pinder and Laura Rendl enjoy some time
together before the student presentations
Chris Madill and Lisa Pell grab a moment away from morning coffee to set up their posters.
Chair Reinhart Reithmeier spends some time with Research Day Organizer, Craig Smibert, before welcoming everyone to the Old Mill
Student/PostDoc presentations led off the day
Fiona Cunningham leads off the student oral presentations by describing hydrophobic delta-helices in soluble proteins. Arash Zarrine-Afsar focuses on the role of non-native interactions in protein folding. The nuclear ins and outs of yeast Hsp104 were described by Johnny Tkach. Postdoc Bryan Miller took us through a protein interaction map of the Wnt signaling pathway.back to top
The Annual Theo Hofmann Lecture
This year's Theo Hofmann lecturer was Mark Glover, University of Alberta (left), seen here with Theo Hofmann and Mark's Ph.D. supervisor, David Pulleyblank. Mark described his transition into X-ray crystallography and then gave a beautiful talk entitled "BRCT domains - conserved phospho-peptide recognition modules in the DNA damage response"
Comfortable seats, chandeliers, great food and terrific science made for a memorable day.
Mmmmmmm - lunch! As usual, the Old Mill served up a sumptuous buffet
with something for everyone's taste.
Lunch was a great time to socialize with friends and colleagues.
Hue-Sun Chan (centre) entertains Alan Davidson (left) and Régis Pomès.
From left: Walter Kahr (PhD labmate of Mark Glover), Vice Dean Research Peter Lewis, Mark Glover, and David Isenman.
Gile Privé enjoying lunch with lab members.
The Pai lab ponders the next structure to solve. Reithmeier lab members enjoy one of their favourite pastimes.
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Posters, posters, posters....
You mean you haven't seen this data yet??
Reinhart Reithmeier catches up with his PhD student Susan Bustos Arash Zarrine-Afsar seems protective of post-doc Elisa Fadda's data.
Harry Schachter may be retired but he still turns a critical eye to the posters. Lisa Pell pitches her experiments to Emil Pai.
Tom Rodinger explains his "simple" scheme for efficient Boltzmann sampling of conformational space to Karen Siu At 82 Theo Hofmann still has a keen interest in structural biology!!
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Amsen describes her melanosome transport RNAi screen to the judges. |
Baker fields questions from judge Christine Bear. |
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Kuo takes a break with judges Angus McQuibban and Lynne Howell |
President Costin Antonescu shares the finer details of GLUT4 trafficking
with judge Mark Glover |
Judges Allen Volchuck and
Jim Gurd ponder Derek Ng's
analysis of point mutations in proteolipid protein
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tough, tough,
tough decisions as always but, in the end, the winners are.......
M.Sc. Category
M.Sc. poster winners (from left) Jean-Philippe Julien (Pai), Sarah Mansour (Pomès),
and Sian Patterson (Reithmeier)
Ph.D. Category
Ph.D. poster winners (from left) Ben Pinder (Smibert), Sean Reichheld (Davidson),
and Wanyi Xiang (Siu) [missing Kassidy Huynh (Grinstein)]
Post-Doc Category
Criag Smibert congratulates postdoctoral winner Yuri Lobsanov (Howell)
The afternoon session was nicely rounded out with excellent talks by Daniela Rotin,
Régis Pomès, and Jim Rini
Beckman-Coulter Award for Best Student Publication of 2005
David A. Scott Award
The afternoon ended
with the presentation of the David A. Scott Award
for best all-round graduate student in Biochemistry to Guillaume Thibault
Photos by David Williams, Fiona Cunningham, and Eden Fussner
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