The 4th Annual Biochemistry Golf Day - June 13, 2006

Faculty, post-docs and students came out for a great day of golf.

We've got the gear and we're ready to go!

Chris and Sean admire Lisa's drive off the tee.

The gorgeous scenery of downtown TO.

As chic as ever, our organizer, Guillaume Thibault.

Nolan Beise slams one down the fairway, and onto the green.

Ben Pinder defends his shot as his teammates try to send him packing!

Cliff Lingwood gives André Pow tips on his putt to the hole.

Emmanuelle's graceful drive.

Practice makes perfect for Helen!

Jean-Philippe lines up his shot.

Sian putts....

and Gaby putts!


Susan in motion.


Reinhart sits with his smiling teammates.

Cosmin and Nolan enjoyed a great 18 holes.

Our Winners! Gaby, Laura, Rob and Jay. (+4)

The professionals head for dinner.

A great all-you-can-eat buffet at Tropical Nights.

Team standings:

58 Laura, Gaby, Rob and Jay

60 Johnny, Ben, Guillaume, Jing2

61 Reinhart, Emmanuelle, Susan, Sian

62 Sean, Chris, Lisa

63 Helen, Brian, Nhaile, Jean-Philippe

64 Cliff, Angela, Andre, Jennifer

67 Nolan, Cosmin