A large crowd of well-wishers attests to Pat's monumental contributions over the years.
Long-time friends (from left) Ron Williams, Harry Schachter, and Theo Hofmann drop by to help celebrate. Colleagues James Lau, Tessie Silvestre-Lontok, Chris Perumalla, and Eddie Lo from Division of Teaching Laboratories
Chair Reinhart Reithmeier welcomes everyone and thanks
Pat for her 40 years of contributions to the Department, dating back
prior to the opening of the Medical Sciences Building
...while the Bronskill family enjoys the moment.
David Isenman describes Pat's extraordinary contributions to lab courses BCH370, BCH371, and BCH471, entertaining all with stories of her legendary thoroughness, accessibility, and, above all, compassion for students ... and then collects a big hug from Pat.
Lloyd Porter offers a touching testimonial to his long-term friendship with Pat, first as technicians together, then as colleagues through Teaching Labs. As Pat listens, Lloyd describes her warmth, good humour and the deep respect she and her students have for one another.
There were more than a few misty eyes at the end of Lloyd's testimonial!back to top
Pat offers her own perspective on her years in the Department, liberally laced
with her dry humour and a few choice anecdotes.
A beautiful bear sculpture was presented to Pat.... ...along with a classic Isenman mind-bender to solve for access to another gift - birding binoculars. Pat commented that it was as tough a puzzle as David's immunochemistry exam questions in BCH471!
For some events, one cake just won't do...
...and Pat serves it up with her usual precision.
Posing with the former "Tech-Crew", from left Helen Belina, Sudha Arya, Pat and Annie Cunningham. Pat with her close friends Sudha Arya and Myrna Cohen-Doyle.
Past and present BCH TA's nicknamed (by Pat) the "Triumvirate" (rear) and the "Enforcer". BCH371 students show up en mass to show their appreciation for Pat.
Pat with Ph.D. student Ghadeer Shubassi and fellow lecturer Roula Andreopoulos. Getting some last minute tips on how to savour the retirement lifestyle from expert Lloyd Porter.
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