Cheerful elves Sian Patterson and
Guillaume Thibault greet guests

Brenda Bradshaw and Carrie share
a secret .... where the buffet line begins!

This year's event was held at Hart House ....

.... where they served up a terrific buffet lunch. |

Seats were at a premium but good
food and drink kept spirits high.

Members of the Brown lab enjoy lunch.

Hart House provides some nice spots to enjoy a meal.

Walid Houry and lab members.

Eden Fussner, Costin Antonescu and
Lellean Jebailey are always ready for a party!

Members of Igor Stagljar's group enjoy
some time outside of the lab.

More members of the Stagljar group - there are so
many they seem to party in shifts.

Pondering a new event for 2006 - the
Biochemistry Department quiz.

Tough quizz.... hmm, when was the Department founded?
As a member of its 100th birthday committee,
Charlie Deber has an inside track.

This resourceful group of quizz-takers even
got the photographer to offer some opinions - are
there really more female than male grad students?

Members of the Rini, Pai and Hofmann
labs collaborate on the quizz. |

Quizz results are tallied - it's a Deber-Williams tie!
But the Deber lab wins it in a
nail-biting live-action showdown.

Ever the helpful Chair, Reinhart Reithmeier offers crystallographer
Jim Rini a home crystal-growing kit.

Hey, if it's funny once - crystallographer Lynne Howell
shows her enthusiastic response to her home crystal kit.

Anticipation mounts ... Deber and Adeli lab members
await the launch of our new Biochemistry Video contest.

The prospect of six Biochemistry Video entries
generates a lot of speculation among the Williams lab.

Judges were well up to the task as Dean Pfeiffer shows with her commentary
on "Biochemistry Rocks" by Qasim Khan (labmate Rishi Rakhit
seen here taking the heat in Qasim's absence).

Roy Baker offers some pithy comments on the
video "Wouldn't it be nice..." by Derek and the Dominos.

Linda Davies' video "Lofty Ideals"
comes under Zayna's scrutiny. |

Dean Pfeiffer has lots of praise for Susan Bustos' video
"Lady Scientist - Superhero"

Zayna's comments on "The Miller Report"
get a laugh from author Abigale Miller .

Roy Baker entertains both us and Sian Patterson with his commentary
on her underwater video "Sink or Swim.

Reinhart thanks the Biochemistry video competitors
and presents them with Starbucks gift cards

Reinhart congratulates 3rd place winner, Abigale Miller.

Susan Bustos takes 2nd spot.

First place, and an iPod nano, go to Derek and the Dominos
(aka left-to-right Derek Ng, Brad Poulsen and David Tulumello)

David Williams (left) and John Glover entertain with some
songs about the joys and tribulations of graduate work.

Enjoying the entertainment.
A wonderful party winds down
with some carol
singing led by Charlie Deber at the piano. |