Chair Reinhart Reithmeier
gets the celebration
After some remarks
by Reinhart, he's joined by
An amused Angus
McQuibban, Igor Stagljar and |
New professors Igor and Angus cut their cake |
Igor and Walid celebrate
their tenure
It's déjà
vu for Craig Smibert and Grant Brown (centre) who celebrated their tenure
last winter.
Some people you just have to look up to... |
Ever the mentor,
Peter Lewis points out the
Walid Houry with Hue Sun Chan
Shoshana seems to be tempting Harry Schachter with a bit more dessert while Hue Sun contemplates carrot or chocolate cake
The newly-formed McQuibban lab enjoys the party |
Business officer Suzanne
D'Alvise enjoys a |
Celebrations end with
our contest for tallest |
Photos by David Williams