Scenes from the Dept. of Biochemistry
Open House January 17, 2004
Jacqueline Segall and David Isenman hand out registration packages.
Enjoying coffee and cookies on a chilly morning.
Graduate students set up poster boards.
Chair Reinhart Reithmeier welcomes visitors.
Grad. Coordinator David Williams takes students through the application process.
Grad. student posters received a lot of attention
Pizza lunch provided a great opportunity to talk about graduate work.
Getting some advice from Gil Privé
Chris Tsang takes students through his poster.
Discussing the virtues of biochemistry.
Toni Davidson, Costin Antonescu and Ravi Ramjeesingh offer advice at the BGSU booth
Lisa Pell provides some insight into grad. student life.
Organizing tours of the campus and hospital research institutes.
EM manager Steven Doyle was a big hit with the transmission electron microscope.
Johnny Tkach shows off his fluorescent yeast cells at the laser confocal microscope.
Peter Hwang explains the intricacies of multi-dimensional NMR.
Getting a look at a research laboratory compliments of Ronnie Lum.
Régis Pomès demonstrates the 3 meter display at the Molecular Design
and Information Technology Centre.
Having a look at drug design in 3D.
The day was topped off by a fabulous Chinese food buffet.
A great way to end the day .
Photos by David Williams and Gil Privé