Scenes from the
First CIHR Strategic Training Program International Symposium on
Proteins: Structure, Folding and Disease
Medical Sciences Building , University of Toronto
June 3rd and 4th, 2004
For a complete program, click here to download pdf.
Workshop Chair, Charles Deber, welcomes participants and describes the goals
of the CIHR Strategic Training Programs in Membrane Proteins and Protein Folding
A superb lineup of renowned scientists and local trainees attracted about
300 participants to the Symposium
The Thursday Morning Session Focused on Membrane Proteins - Structure and Diseases
Don Engelman (Yale) led off with the folding and evolution of membrane proteins James Bowie (UCLA) discussed membrane protein structure, energetics and disease
Julie Forman-Kay (Toronto) provided insights into the structures of disordered proteins Mark Sansom (Oxford) described his simulation studies on membrane proteins
Lunch was a great opportunity for mentors and trainees to discuss science in an informal setting
On Thursday Afternoon the program's trainees stole the show
with the exceptional quality of their presentations and research accomplishments
PDF Ahmed El Zoeiby
Structure & Function of an endotoxin-modifying enzymePhD Student Peter Hwang
Integral membrane protein PagP alternates between two dynamically distinct states PDF Hania Wehbi
NMR investigation of a transmembrane helical hairpin segment from CFTR
PhD Student Sean Reichheld
Mech. of interdomain collaboration in drug-binding activity of tetracycline repressor PhD Student Yulia Tsitrin
Structural aspects of the ClpX chaperone functional cycle PDF Minghua Wang
G-protein coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors as targets for drug design
Enjoying a wine and cheese reception for guest speakers, mentors, and trainees
Yulia Tsitrin and Monika Niggemann discuss wine and proteins with Charlie Deber Régis Pomès argues the structural dynamics of PagP (or is it a teacup?) with Peter Hwang and Shao-Yang Ku
Trainees and mentors alike took advantage of the reception to meet our guest speakers
Enjoying Friday breakfast
The Friday Morning Session focused on Protein Folding and Misfolding
Chris Dobson (Cambridge) led off with a discussion of protein misfolding and disease Michael Hecht (Princeton) described protein design from combinatorial libraries
David Williams (Toronto) discussed glycoprotein folding assisted by lectin-chaperones
Ulrich Hartl (Max Planck) finished off by describing chaperone-assisted folding in the cytosol
Speakers relaxing after a day of excellent science Speakers, hosts, and organizers celebrate the success of our inaugural Symposium
Photos by David Williams. Reinhart Reithmeier, and Joe at Adega
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