Biochemistry Department Christmas Party December 13, 2002

Santa Reithmeier and Subordinate Claus Isenman draw for door prizes.

Waiting patiently for Santa...

Professors (l to r) Rini, Pai, Pulleyblank, Sarkar and Deber enjoy the party.

Harry Schachter helps Marian Packham celebrate her birthday which occurred on the same day.

(l to r) Harry Schachter, David Williams, Eden Fussner, Jim Rini and David Pulleyblank belt out the carols.

David and Ph.D. mentor Harry Schachter remain harmonius after all these years.

John Glover and Charlie Deber add their impressive musical talents to the party.

Who knew such talent lurked in the hearts of biochemists?
(l to r) Alan Davidson, Russell Bishop, David Pulleyblank, John Glover, and Charlie Deber
bring down the house with rock classics of the 50's and 60's.